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So I know a lot of photographers do a regular Macro Monday post, but since my first macro lens just came on Monday afternoon, I’m a little tardy to the party this week. Story of my life. But, I’ve been having so much fun playing with my new lens that I wanted to share a few shots anyway. I got the Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM lens as a birthday gift, and I am having a blast playing. (Happy birthday to me! Just don’t ask which birthday it is . . . )

Here is a little peek at what I’ve spent the last couple of days doing . . . wandering around the house and yard seeing what I can find to get up close and personal with. I’ve always loved other people’s macro photographs, so I’m pretty excited to be able to experiment with my own. It is a whole new way of looking at the world and it is definitely going to take some practice, but I’m already in love.

First Steps with a Macro Lens

One of my favorite things about macro photography is that it takes something ordinary and makes you look closer. That top left picture? That’s the brush I scrub my cast iron pans with. Exciting, huh? But I loved the way the bristles looked through the macro lens. That little bug? No idea what it is. My daughter found it on the side of the playhouse and called me over to see it. Those thorns are on the shrubs that we planted way too close to our front porch. We need to move them, but for now we just try not to brush up against them on the way to the front door, especially if we are wearing shorts. It’s so much fun to see if I can make an everyday object into something beautiful.

And now I find myself kind of wishing for a freak April snow storm so I can try my hand at snowflakes. (Not really, but maybe just a little bit . . . )

Another nice things about the 100 mm macro is that it doubles as a nice (and super sharp!) portrait lens. This is just a snapshot that I took when I first put the lens on my camera. It was too rainy to go outside and too dark in the house to do much, but I’m too impatient to wait for the rain to stop.

Macro Portrait by window light

Today, we had a little visitor in our front yard, and I had to run outside and get a few shots of him. I don’t think he knew quite what to make of me down in his face like that. He froze and didn’t move anything but his little forked tongue until I left!

Macro Snake Photograph

Now I’m (im)patiently awaiting delivery of my Cybersync triggers, so I can play with my other new toy—studio lighting. I’m equal parts excited and terrified. Here’s to learning new things!

Have you learned anything new lately?
Leave a comment and tell me about it!


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  1. Eeeeek! That snake! Those are my nightmare. But, you did a wonderful job photographing him! I would have been trembling!

  2. Ellen says:

    Oh, these make me want to get my macro lens out- great work! And you’re right- it does take gorgeous portraits, too. Not sure I’ll be as brave getting close to a snake, though : )

  3. Kasey McCoy says:

    These are great! It reminds me of how much I need a macro but im on the fence between a macro and the sigma 35 art. Ah… decisions decisions!

    • Amanda says:

      Thank you! Those new gear decisions are always SO hard! I debated for days before I settled on this macro & some OCF equipment. Good luck with your decision!

  4. Courtney says:

    Oh you are braveeeee. I have stuck my head down close to some bees and wasps, but I don’t do the snakes with a macro lens. lol! These are really really great shots! Love them all!

    • Amanda says:

      Thank you so much! And I think you are the brave one! I always steer clear of the bees & wasps (& spiders *shudder*). The little stinging things terrify me much more than snakes!

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